Tutorials and such:
- JavaScript Features via Wikipedia Pretty detailed article with examples later
- Mozilla Wiki introduction to JavaScript Contains references, guides and tools
- JavaScript Prototypal chaining Explains JavaScript’s object model
- ECMAScript Specification A standardized subset of JavaScript (PDF)
- Google V8 design overview Fast implementation, compiling straight to native code
- Mozilla Rhino Implementation running on the JVM (see associated video)
- V8: Google’s high performance JavaScript Engine Talks about some interesting techniques of their JavaScript VM implementation
- Server-side JavaScript on the JVM Not exactly related to JavaScript, some of the implementation details are nice. Speaker rants a lot. Kinda funny.
- JavaScript: The good parts Pretty good. Talks about the good and bad parts of JavaScript, including object system and syntax weirdness.
- Using Static Analysis For IDE’s for Dynamic Languages Dolby, Eclipse Languages Symposium ‘05
- An embedded domain-specific language for type-safe server-side web scripting Thiemann, TOIT ‘05